Dnd 5e Stat Block Creator

Legendary Actions. Monster Name can take 1 legendary action, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature's turn. LB DnD Character Generator. Education Details: Stat total averages: Rolling for stats total stats = 73.47 average Standard array total stats = 72 average Point buy total stats = 72.32 average.Dice roller Source to dice math. If I'm rolling 4d6 and taking the highest 3, then the average is 12.24. You can create a dice macro by putting square brackets around it. +4 will make a clickable link to roll d20+4. 2d6+3 will make a clickable link to roll 2d6+3. Dnd 5e Stat Block Creator Game Life. Note: This section is dependent on your character's race, class, and background, and will randomize when any of those three sections is changed. Refer to Xanathar's Guide (starting on page 61) for supplementary tables. Wide Monster Stat Block.

Armor Class: 13 (Padded)

Hit Points: 130 (20d8 +40)

Speed: 30ft (9m / 6 sqr)

Proficiency: +6


15 (+2)


12 (+1)


18 (+4)


Scimitar.Melee Weapon Attack +8 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 +2 ) slashing damage.

Properties: Finesse, Light,


Spellcasting. the Minstrel is an 20th-level bard. Its spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 18, to hit with spell attacks +10)

Cantrips (at will): Dancing Lights, Light, Mage Hand, Message, Minor Illusion,

1st level (4 slots): Bane,

2nd level (3 slots): Invisibility, Enhance Ability, Heat Metal, Hold Person, Locate Animals or Plants, Detect Thoughts,

3rd level (3 slots): Sending, Clairvoyance, Bestow Curse,

4th level (3 slots): Hallucinatory Terrain, Polymorph, Greater Invisibility, Compulsion, Locate Creature,


5th level (3 slots): Animate Objects, Greater Restoration,

6th level (2 slots): Otto's Irresistable Dance, Guards and Wards,

7th level (2 slots): Project Image, Mordenkainen's Sword,

8th level (1 slots): Power Word Stun,

9th level (1 slots): Foresight, Power Word Heal,

Special Abilities

Fame and Glamour: The minstrel is a bon vivant who tries to live the most of his life each day and has a renown for his increadible ability with music, dance and charm. Simply by playing a show or chatting with right persons he can make others pay his modest life expenses. With a CR 3 this benefit goes to Comfortable, CR 10 Wealthy and CR 15 Aristocrat life style.
Contacts, Enemies and Allies: He knows a lot of people on his region and made a lot of good and bad choices during his life. He has a incredible high chance to have met or to be known by anyone. The GM can roll a d10 to see if another NPC know the Minstrel, on 1 the Minstrel is hated by the NPC, on 2-3 the NPC is unfrendly, on 4-7 the NPC don't know him, on 8 he has a minor connection, a friend in common, member of family, etc; on 9 the minstrel already worked for the NPC and on a 10 he is an old friend or someone who owns the minstrel a favor.

Dnd 5e Stat Block Creator Game

Tool Proficiency: The minstrel is proficient with 2 Musical instruments of his choice and 2 kinds of Gaming Sets.

Racial Features

Ability Modifiers: +1 Wis, +2 Cha

Darkvision: 60ft (18m / 12sqr)

Celestial Resistance: You have resistante to necrotic and radiant damage.

Radiant Soul: Starting at 3rd level, you can use your action to unleash the divine energy within yourself, causing your eyes to glimmer and two luminous, incorporeal wings to sprout from your back. Your transformation lasts for 1 minute or until you end it as a bonus action. During it, you have a flying speed of 30 feet, and once on each of your turns, you can deal extra radiant damage to one target when you deal damage to it with an attack or a spell. The extra radiant damage equals your CR. Once you use this trait, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest.

Healing Hands: As an action, you can touch a creature and cause it to regain a number of hit points equal to your CR. Once you use this trait, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest.

Light Bearer: You know the light cantrip. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for it.

Languages: speaks Common and Celestial

Character created at rpgtinker.com
By Duncan Thomson on

Generators for Dungeons and Dragons NPCs, with quick descriptions, detailed stats and NPC pdfs.

5E Tools Guides - npcs | dungeons | treasure | PCs | Theros | worlds | dm's guild

Disclaimer. I'm an affiliate for DM's Guild and I also create a lot of products with random tables on DM's Guild..

NPCs for Dungeons and Dragons

quick npcs | detailed npcs | npc traits | pdfs | bits & pieces

Dnd 5e Stat Block Creator List

A well-described NPC can engage the Players fully with a D&D game. More often the important NPC will be ignored, belittled or avoided by the characters as they concentrate on a town drunk, passing noble, shoe seller or other previously nameless NPC.

This guide has options for quick NPCs with a few details, more in depth characters or lists of traits and specific types of NPCs.

You may like NPC-themed PDFs or look at the bits and pieces like NPCs as monsters and encounters

For a Quick NPC

quick npcs | detailed npcs | npc traits | pdfs | bits & pieces

This fearsome mumbling gnomish fellow is rubbing a talisman. Morbertis strict about social status and rolls his 'r's and stammers whiletrying to think of a word. He is ashamed of his station in life.

...from 5thdnd.com gives a colourful 3-line description

Some NPCs only need a brief description, for which Donjon has an NPC generator with class, stats, armour and weapons. The quick npc generator(one of mine) gives name, physical trait and a bit of personality.

For a Detailed NPC

quick npcs | detailed npcs | npc traits | pdfs | bits & pieces

Tristan de Mowbray is a 47 year old male half-elf merchant. He has cropped, curled, silver hair and brown eyes. He has soft, pockmarked, pink skin. He stands 172cm (5'7') tall and has a round build. He has a square, bland face with a medium beard. He has a scar on his chest.

... from description in NPC Generator. It also has traits, ability scores, a plot hook, physical features and religion. And lots of opportunity for customisation.

Some major NPCs such as lovers, major hirelings, rivals and villains require more detail and stats.

NPC tool at TotalPartyKill gives stats, skills and personality traits. The NPC Generator at DM's Vault has a summary, description and stats. A nice touch is a short descriptor for each stat explaining the value (constitution: 18 robust). The NPC generator at negatherium also has detailed appearance, personality and an adventure hook as well as a basic stat block.

For a more stat block with a templated approach rpgTinker will let you customise by NPC type, race and attribute array. Templates include combat, spellcaster and non-combat options.

Traits and Specific NPCs

quick npcs | detailed npcs | npc traits | pdfs | bits & pieces

'NPC doesn’t have eyebrows, but instead has tattooed eyebrows slightly too high, which gives a look of permanent surprise. '

...from 100 Physical Traits on DnD Speak.

You may prefer to create an NPC from a couple of details, using a couple of trait suggestions or picking from a list. For options for names try my Tools Guide for 5e PCs

Leugrun's D&D 5E Tools has great lists with NPCs or Villains. There are 100 Catchphrases (to join the 100 physical traits) and Chartopia has a larger trait table with 1000 NPC traits.

DND Speak also has d100 tables of shopkeepers and merchants, interesting pirates and hosts for a night's stay. .

PDFs of NPC Random Tables

quick npcs | detailed npcs | npc traits | pdfs | bits & pieces

200 NPC Catchphrases is a free pdf of things your NPCs might say. And another free pdf with 100 NPC physical traits (whic is version of dnd speak one mentioned above)

100 Unique NPCs has a d100 table for npcs each with full page statblock, personality and other notes.

Finally for an amazing pdf of NPC statblocks get Adaptable NPCs on DM's Guild

Bits and Pieces

quick npcs | detailed npcs | npc traits | pdfs | bits & pieces

For a randomly generated monster try Darehart's Monstrous Codex

I've got a 5e Encounter Generator which has an option for creating just NPC encounters.

Recommendations Please!

I'll keep this guide updated so please suggest 5E NPC generators in the comments or on twitter to @DuncanThom

5E D&D Tools Guides - NPCs & Encounters | Dungeons & Traps | Treasure & Items | Player Characters | Theros | World Building | pdfs on DM's Guild